인턴 첫 출근 준비물 - inteon cheos chulgeun junbimul

걱정인형 브라운, 오늘은 어떻게 출근해야할지에 대해 인터넷을 싹 긁어봤습니다.


#1. 준비품

첫 출근: 필기구, 필요서류, 보조배터리

얇은 겉옷, 슬리퍼, 휴대폰 충전 케이블, 양치도구

*양치도구의 경우 간단히 가글만 들고 가는게 좋다고 한다.
점심먹고 화장실에서 이닦는거 별로 안좋게 본다고

**첫날부터 물티슈 들고 자리 박박 닦는거 안좋게 본다고들 한다. 저녁에 닦거나 급히 닦고 그냥 자리에 앉을 것.

#2. 출근복장

Plan to exceed dress code standards.
Aim to always be more professionally dressed than your boss or supervisor.

블라우스 또는 셔츠, 슬랙스, 구두 또는 스니커즈

전반적으로 면접 복장과 비슷하게 입으면 된다. 베이지색, 검은색 등으로 맞춰입어야 한다.

*자켓을 입으라는 사람들이 많은데, 자켓 사야겠다..

#3. 매너, 에티켓

여유로운 15분 전 출근

인사 열심히 하기

모르는거 재깍재깍 묻기

메모 열심히 하기

업무상황 공유

업무 일정정리, 우선순위대로 진행


*업무일정을 공유하는 건, 중간 컨펌의 의미도 있지만 '나 이렇게 열심히 하고 있어요!' 또는 '햇병아리 인턴 여기 있어요~'라는 의미. 

#4. 간단 이메일 용어 알아놓기

* C.C (Carboon Copy)
'참조' 수신인 외 메일 내용을 참고할 사람을 참조 

*B.C.C. (Blind Carbon Copy)
'숨은 참조' 메일 수신인에게는 보이지 않음

*RE (Reply)
‘회신’ 수신할 메일을 전체 회신 혹은 회신할 경우 [Re:]라는 말머리가 달림

*FW (Forwarding)
'전달' 메일을 다른 사람에게 전달할 때 제목에 [Fw:]라는 말머리가 달림

*A.S.A.P (As Soon As Possible)
'가능한 한 빨리' 급히 업무를 요청

*F.Y.I (For Your Information)
메일 내용을 참고

*R.S.V.P (Réponse s'il Vous Plaît)
'회신 바랍니다' 반드시 회신

#5. 간단 자기소개준비하기👍👍👍


Introduce Yourself with a Personal Commercial

Tell me about yourself A personal commercial (also known as an elevator speech, personal introduction, 30-second commercial, etc.) is a quick, effective way to make an impressive introduction.




A personal commercial (also known as an elevator speech, personal introduction, 30-second commercial, etc.) is a quick, effective way to make an impressive introduction. You will use your personal commercial when introducing yourself to a potential employer at a job fair, an interview, or anytime you are asked to introduce yourself professionally. It is also helpful when responding to the popular statement, “Tell me about yourself.”

Try using these questions to organize your thoughts:

  • What is your career goal?
  • What skills, strengths, or experiences do you have that would help you realize that goal?
  • What accomplishment best represents how you use these skills, strengths, or experiences?
  • What are you searching for in a job or internship?
  • How can you immediately benefit the organization?


Your personal commercial should be conversational and natural. The statement should not sound memorized and you should take care not to ramble. You want to appear confident, poised, and professional.

  • Greeting: Hello, my name is (name). I am a (year in school) studying (major) at Western Michigan University.
  • Goal: I am looking for (internship/full-time position) at (employer name).
  • Interest/passion: I am interested in (interests related to the company/industry).
  • Strengths: I have many skills to contribute including (strengths) and (skills).
  • Brief example of experience: Previously, I worked at (employer name), where I (achievements and/or responsibilities - use the STAR method).
  • Goal (informational interview): I am looking to gain a better understanding of ...
  • Question: Ask a question to keep the conversation going.


“Good morning, my name is Nirag Vashi, and I am a secondary education student at Western Michigan University with a focus in science. I grew up in a family of teachers and know that being a high school science teacher is my calling. My passion for helping others has been evident in my involvement in Kalamazoo Public Schools and as a camp counselor for the last three years. Through those experiences I have learned to interact with a diverse group of people, which has increased my ability to relate to others. I have also had the opportunity to create lessons for the campers that focused on life skills like teamwork, communication, and time management.  Having been a teacher yourself, what things should I be doing now to prepare for my internship search?”

“Hello, I am Alexandra Hill, and I will be completing my bachelor’s degree in finance from Western Michigan University in August. I have worked on a wide variety of projects that have allowed me to put what I’ve learned in the classroom into use in a practical sense. Last year, I was part of a new course where the students managed $500,000 for the Western Annual Fund and it was really exciting to see the portfolio grow.  I pride myself on being detail-oriented, analytical, and driven.  I understand that you are searching for a new investment advisor and I believe these qualities would benefit your company’s goal to increase your client base while continuing to provide sound investment advice.”

일단 이름과 백그라운드를 밝힌 뒤, 내가 가진 관심사, 강점, 목표를 30초 내외로 준비하면 된다.

너무 길면 지루하고, 너무 짧으면 성의없어 보인다.

이정도면 좋은 첫인상을 남길 수 있을지 궁금해하며 브라운은 여기 잠든다...


최신 우편물
