데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

"I have the Marker, and this entire system can go to hell. For what it's worth, you did a great job, Isaac. See you around... Or maybe not."—Kendra to Isaac Clarke.[1]

Kendra Daniels was the computer specialist aboard the USG Kellion as part of its emergency maintenance team and secretly an agent working for the Earth Government.[2] She was the main antagonist of Dead Space.


데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

No information of Kendra's life prior to her service on the Kellion was given upon Zach Hammond's request.[3] She was inserted into the team upon persistent recommendations by a higher-up in the Concordance Extraction Corporation. In reality, the true reason for her presence was to serve as a covert agent for EarthGov during its efforts to recover Marker 3A.[2]

Incident on the USG Ishimura[]

Shortly after the crash landing of the USG Kellion, the crew made their way into the USG Ishimura's Flight Lounge. There, the crew was attacked by multiple Necromorphs who immediately dispatched the two lower ranked security personnel, Cpl. Chen and Cpl. Johnston. The crew scattered. Kendra ran with Hammond while Isaac Clarke made his own route to relative safety. She and Hammond contacted Isaac from the Bridge as he moved through the ship, guiding Isaac through various locations until she and Hammond were attacked by a Leaper on the Bridge.

The Necromorph drove them from the Bridge, separating Kendra from Hammond. After finding refuge in the Ishimura's Computer Core, Kendra successfully barricaded herself inside and kept in contact with Isaac Clarke and Zach Hammond through their RIG links. She used her computer skills to assist them with their tasks around the ship by overriding the doors throughout the ship as well as uncovering the mystery behind the vessel's infestation.

She frequently expressed her distrust toward Hammond, suspecting that he knew more about the Marker than he led on. She behaved much more frantically than both Hammond and Isaac, often urging them to abort the mission and focus on the escape. Later on, the Marker's influence began to take its toll on Kendra, causing her to hallucinate. These hallucinations included seeing her brother and at one point, Kendra mentioned seeing her brother waving at her from a security monitor, even though she said it was "not possible".

Return to Aegis VII[]

Securing the Marker[]

After recovering Marker 3A from the Ishimura's Cargo Bay, Kendra left her position in the Computer Core to meet up with Isaac and Dr. Terrence Kyne at the escape shuttle in order to return the Marker to the surface of Aegis VII. However, as soon as Isaac approached, Kendra shot Kyne in the chest with a Divet pistol in order to secure the shuttle and the Marker for herself. Kyne died almost instantly as the shuttle took off and exited the Ishimura, effectively stranding Isaac. While on the shuttle, Kendra (through her RIG link) revealed herself to be a covert agent who had been specially selected by 'higher ups' to be on board the USG Kellion to recover the Marker. She revealed the USM Valor had been sent to help her retrieve the Marker. She also revealed the true origin of the Red Marker and its purpose: a man-made replica of the true Marker discovered on Earth. Kendra bid Isaac farewell, but Nicole Brennan (in reality, a hallucination caused by the Marker) showed Isaac how to recall the stolen shuttle. Kendra's shuttle was recalled back into the landing bay, but not before Kendra boarded an escape pod and crash landed somewhere near the Necromorph infested colony on Aegis VII.

Stranded, but not defeated, Kendra hid in wait as Isaac made his way through the Necromorph-infested colony to return the Marker to its pedestal which upon doing so sent a wide electromagnetic pulse out that disabled the Ishimura's gravity tethers, causing it to drop its payload down toward the planet that it was excavated from.

As Isaac hurried into a decontamination room on the way to his escape, Kendra made her move, trapping him within the facility as she retook the Marker. As revenge for acting against her, Kendra revealed the truth to Isaac: Nicole had killed herself before the Kellion arrived with a hallucination guiding Isaac the whole time, stating that he was "just as insane" as Dr. Kyne and Captain Mathius. She also confessed that she was starting to like Isaac. After giving her farewells, Kendra hurried back to the landing pad, intending to strand Isaac on the doomed planet while she escaped with the Marker in tow.


As Kendra was preparing to load the Marker into the shuttle and make her escape, she was apprehended by Isaac who made his way around the facility through another route. Before he could reach her, the Hive Mind rose up from the mining crater and smacked her away from the shuttle with a tentacle, gravely injuring her. As Kendra tried to get up, she screamed as one of the massive tentacles smashed down onto her, crushing her body and slamming her against a nearby wall. Kendra died immediately upon impact, causing her RIG to flat line as the Hive Mind emerged from the crater.


In the end, Kendra's mission failed as the Marker was destroyed in the impact, foiling her employers' plans for the artifact. The Earth Government later attempted to recover fragments of Marker 3A by purchasing them from the Magpies and by dispatching the USG O'Bannon to Aegis VII, but both attempts resulted in new Necromorph outbreaks and ended up with the destruction of the fragments. However, by recovering Isaac and later Nolan Stross and using the blueprints in their brains, EarthGov was eventually able to start building more Markers.

Spoilers end here.


  • Tonantzin Carmelo provides the voice and likeness of Kendra.
  • It is believed that Kendra was aware of Nicole's death since Chapter 3, when she reached the Computer Core of the USG Ishimura, as said Core had the recordings of all the crew members. She simply saw no advantage into revealing the truth for Isaac or Hammond.
  • At the beginning of the game, Kendra wears a jacket, which she loses after being separated from Hammond but before barricading herself in the Ishimura's computer core. Judging by cuts and bruises on her body, she was most likely attacked by Necromorphs and had her jacket torn off. Kendra has a weapon holster on her right leg, where she stores her standard-issue high-powered Divet pistol.
    • Unlike other characters in the game, Kendra wears her RIG underneath her clothing, with the health meter hidden underneath her jacket. Her RIG can later be seen on the Aegis VII colony, due to losing her jacket during the game.
  • It is unknown how Kendra was able to successfully navigate through the Ishimura and Aegis VII colony when they were overrun by Necromorphs. Unlike Isaac and Hammond, she had no armor or effective weaponry, only a Divet.
  • Kendra mentions seeing her brother on the Ishimura's Security Monitors several times throughout the game, though she mentions this is "not possible". It is never stated if this means her brother was dead prior to the game or otherwise, however.
  • It is implied Kendra was the one blocking Hammond's RIG signal during the events of Dead Space, rendering communication impossible, although this is never proven.
  • Kendra's body parts seem to disappear after the Hive Mind fully emerges. However, if the player looks under the tentacle covering where she fell the player can see her foot and an arm, which cannot be retrieved with Kinesis.
  • There are more than a few similarities between Kendra Daniels and Daina Le Guin of Dead Space 2. Both Kendra and Daina initially start off as allies to Isaac, only to betray him at a pivotal moment. Both work for established organizations that have plans concerning the Marker, albeit different plans and organizations. Both are skilled computer technicians, as demonstrated by Kendra's role on the USG Kellion repair team, and Daina's tracking and various technical assistance provided during Clarke's journey to the top of the Church.
  • Kendra Daniels was named one of the 'Hottest Video Game Babes of 2008' by Maxim Magazine.


데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

Kendra during the shockpoint to Aegis VII.

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

Kendra shortly before parting ways with Hammond.

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

Kendra talking to Isaac via Isaac's RIG.

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Kendra tracks Isaac on Aegis VII.

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Kendra about to meet the Hive Mind.

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Kendra's final moments.

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Kendra's outfit as she arrived on the Ishimura (left), Kendra without her jacket on Aegis VII (right).

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

Kendra Daniels concept art.

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

Kendra sans jacket.

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula

An unused concept for a gored Kendra.

데드스페이스 켄드라 - dedeuseupeiseu kendeula



  1. Dead Space: Betrayal
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Interview with Ben Wanat
  3. Dead Space: Chapter 12: Dead Space, Background Request

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Characters in the Dead Space universe

v  d  e

Dead Space

Main cast
Challus Mercer • Isaac Clarke • Kendra Daniels • Nicole Brennan • Terrence Kyne • Zach Hammond
Minor charaters
A. Dallas • Benjamin Mathius • Chen • Elizabeth Cross • Jacob Temple • Johnston • Unnamed NPCs
Unseen/Mentioned only
Abraham Neumann • Amelia Kyne • Benson • Brant Harris • C. Danvers • F. Cadigan • Jonn Welland • Katie Evans • Tom Sciarello

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Dead Space 2(Severed)

Main cast
Daina Le Guin • Ellie Langford • Gabe Weller • Hans Tiedemann • Isaac Clarke • Lexine Weller • Nicole Brennan • Nolan Stross • Victor Bartlett
Minor characters
ANTI • Armand Fattouh • Colin Price • Foster Edgars • Franco Delille • Howard Phillips • Kaleb • Lars Nordstrom • The Oracles • Rachel Tatchet • Sally Hennen • Unnamed NPCs
Unseen/Mentioned only
Alexis Stross • Casey Milham • Hedrick • Isabel Cho • Kinner Phelps • The Overseer • Sorenson • Vandal

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Dead Space 3 (Awakened)

Main cast
Austin Buckell • Ellie Langford • Isaac Clarke • Jacob Danik • Jennifer Santos • John Carver • Mark Rosen • Robert Norton • The Cult Leader
Minor characters
Damara Carver • Dylan Carver • Earl Serrano • The EDF Pilot • Locke • Marjorie Graves • Sam Ackerman • Spencer Mahad • Tim Caufman • Tucker Edwards • The Circle Members • The Scrapers • Unnamed NPCs
Unseen/Mentioned only
Collin • Lowmiller • Randall Carr • Valery Dietz

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Dead Space: Extraction

Main cast
Karen Howell • Gabe Weller • Lexine Murdoch • Nathan McNeill • Nicole Brennan • Sam Caldwell • Warren Eckhardt
Minor characters
Alissa Vincent • Baines • Banks • Bear • Benjamin Mathius • Cooper • Egan • Hutchins • Karklins • Perry • Sterling • Zochenko • Crazed Colonists
Unseen/Mentioned only
Amanda Castle • Chen • Deakin Abbott • Jones • Lange • Leon • Terrence Kyne • Tom Sciarello

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Dead Space: Ignition

Armado Creeg • Berkoff • Daina Le Guin • Franco Delille • Hodgkens • Sarah Andarsyn • The Unitology Church Minister • Weaver

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Dead Space (comics)

Main cast
Abraham Neumann • Brant Harris • Deakin Abbott • Hanford Carthusia • Natalia Deshyanov • Marla Janssen • Tom Sciarello • Vera Cortez
Minor characters
Cameron • James • Jones • Jonn Welland • Katie Evans • McCabe • Pete Fancher

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Dead Space: Downfall

Main cast
Alissa Vincent • Chic • Colin Barrow • D. White • Hans Leggio • Hanson • Jennifer Barrow • Ramirez • Samuel Irons • Shen
Minor characters
Albert Rutterschmidt • Chen • Dobbs • Donna Fawkes • Frightened Crew Member • Heather • Jackson • Mario Lemus • Pendleton • Ruben Villa

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Dead Space: Aftermath

Main cast
Alejandro Borges • Caleb Campbell • Isabel Cho • The Lead Interrogator • Leslie Pallas • Nickolas Kuttner • Nolan Stross • The Overseer
Minor characters
Alexis Stross • Foster Edgars • Jenny • Lana • Marcus • The Marine Colonel • Noah Pawling • Omar Nayim • Rin • Sandra Burns • Sergenko • Vivian Kuttner

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Dead Space: Salvage

Main cast
Benedykt Malyech • David Chang • Jessica Li • The Oracles • Stefan Schneider
Minor characters
Amise • Bellevin • Gatura Okeke • GottheddirThorssenThe USM Victory CaptainVenschiffWenbo

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Dead Space: Liberation

Austin Buckell • Damara Carver • Dylan Carver • Ellie Langford • Jacob Danik • Jennifer Santos • John Carver • Robert Norton

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Dead Space (mobile)

Daina Le Guin • Hans Tiedemann • Tyler Radikov • Vandal

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Unseen/Mentioned only

Craig Markoff • E. A. Vasquez • Gavin Becker • George Greggs • Hideki Ishimura • Jane Gauthier • Grote Guthe • Krax • Maxmillian Reinhardt • Octavia Clarke • Poul Clarke • R. Stanley • Samara Yasmin • Xander Sklar