자바스크립트 clear - jabaseukeulibteu clear

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    The Set.clear() method in JavaScript is used for the removal of all the elements from a set and make it empty. No arguments are required to be sent as parameters to the Set.clear() method and it returns an undefined return value.



    Parameters: This method does not any accept any parameters.

    Return Value: This method returns an undefined value.

    Example 1:



        let myset = new Set();








    Set(1) { 23 } 1 0

    Example 2:



        let myset = new Set();










    Set(3) { 'Manchester', 'London', 'Leeds' } 3 0

    Supported Browsers:

    • Google Chrome:  38+
    • Firefox: 19+
    • Internet Explorer: 11+
    • Opera: 25+
    • Edge: 12+
    • Safari: 08+

    The JavaScript Set clear() method is used to remove all the elements from Set object.


    The clear() method is represented by the following syntax:

    JavaScript Set clear() method example

    Here, we will understand clear() method through various examples.

    Example 1

    Let's see a simple example of clear() method.

    Test it Now


    Size before invoking clear() method: 3 Size after invoking clear() method: 0

    Example 2

    Let's see an example to determine whether the set object contains the specified element.

    Test it Now


    Element present before invoking clear() method: true Element present after invoking clear() method: false

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    Definition and Usage

    The clear() method removes all the Storage Object item for this domain.

    The clear() method belongs to the Storage Object, which can be either a localStorage object or a sessionStorrage object.

    Browser Support

    clear() 4 8 3.5 4 10.5



    Parameter Values

    No parameters.

    Technical Details

    DOM Version:Return Value:
    Web Storage API
    No return value

    More Examples


    The same example, but using session storage instead of local storage.

    Remove all session items:


    Try it Yourself »

    Related Pages

    Web Storage Reference: removeItem() Method


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